十大彩票平台 awarded $306,643 grant to expand patient simulation lab
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. 十大彩票平台技术社区学院从希利-德里斯科尔管理部门收到了306美元,643技能资本拨款用于购买六个病人模拟器,供健康和病人模拟学院和劳动力发展项目的学生用于培训.
竞争性技能资本补助金由州劳动力技能内阁颁发. 这笔赠款将使十大彩票平台能够扩大卫生和病人模拟学院学生获得孕产妇和新生儿培训的机会. The new simulators will be patients of color as well as senior, maternity and neonatal patients, which expands the type of patient care that students can access.
Patient simulators are life-size, 计算机控制的教学工具,模拟人体解剖学和生理学,并提供动手操作, immersive and realistic learning experience. 工作人员, who are located in an unseen control room, provide a voice for the simulator to interact with students.
六个新的模拟器的增加增加了每个实验室部分可以容纳的学生数量, which also minimizes scheduling conflicts. 该学院还可以扩大通过劳动力发展部门和高中双招生提供的项目.
十大彩票平台在全国最大的模拟培训中心中排名前5%, said Christopher Scott, Dean of the School of 健康 and Patient Simulation.
“我们很高兴获得了额外病人模拟器的资金, 这将为更多的学生提供机会,并增加实验室的多样性,斯科特说. “The simulators are an important part of the learning experience. 学生在一个安全、可控的环境中训练,不会有伤害病人的风险. We are grateful to the Healey-Driscoll Administration for their support.”
十大彩票平台 is among a group of 65 high schools, 马萨诸塞州的学院和教育机构在2023-2024财年获得了技能资本资助.
这1500万美元将用于支持学校和机构升级技术和教学实验室空间, expand career programs for young people and adults, 并提高马萨诸塞州劳动力培训项目的能力.
“我们希望确保学生在学校学到的东西能帮助他们达到他们想去的地方, while also meeting our 劳动力 needs,” Healey said in a news release. “这些技能资本补助金将确保我们的学生和成人学习者有机会获得创新技术, 设备和空间,以获得他们需要的技能,为他们在高需求行业的成功职业生涯做好准备.”
“获得技能资本补助的学校与当地企业合作,使课程和证书符合行业标准, ensuring our students are prepared for when they enter the 劳动力,” Driscoll said in the release. “这些补助金是我们的学生、学校、雇主和当地社区的胜利.”
The Skills Capital Grants are awarded by the state’s Workforce Skills 内阁, which brings together the Secretaries of Education, Labor and Workforce Development, Economic Development, 健康 and Human Services. This 内阁 works to align education, economic development, 以及劳动力政策,以满足马萨诸塞州各个地区雇主对熟练工人的需求. 这些竞争性补助金将颁发给与当地企业建立伙伴关系的教育机构, 同时,将课程和证书与行业需求保持一致,以最大限度地增加招聘机会.
Interested in applying to 十大彩票平台? 访问 81623464.com/apply or call Admissions at (413) 755-3333.
关于 Springfield Technical Community 大学
十大彩票平台, the Commonwealth's only technical community college, 继续十大彩票平台军械库的开拓遗产与全面的技术教育 制造业, 阀杆, 医疗保健, 业务, social services, the liberal arts. 十大彩票平台's highly regarded 劳动力, 证书, 学位, 转移 programs are the most affordable in Springfield 并为马萨诸塞州西部的活力提供了无与伦比的机会. Founded in 1967, the college – a designated Hispanic Serving Institution -旨在缩小传统上面临社会障碍的学生之间的成绩差距. 十大彩票平台十大彩票平台通过智力改变他们的生活, 文化, economic engagement while becoming thoughtful, committed and socially responsible graduates.
Jim Danko, (413) 755-4812, jdanko@81623464.com